Thursday, February 07, 2008

calls at 3 am are never good. they're usually bad. my dad was taken back to the hospital this morning, early, because of chest pains. you have to understand this: my father has a bad heart. not a so-so heart, but a bad one. not much can be done for him. he really isn't a candidate for surgery, he does have a defibulator/pacemaker implanted in his chest, and he takes a small pharmacy full of pills each day (as well medicine for diabetes), but that's about all he can do. he excercises lightly, but nothing major.

right now, he is back in st. francis hospital, third floor, ccu (cardiac care unit). a much nicer place than the ER, we did that this morning. it was quiter than the last time, which was nice, but its still an ER and those places just can't be cheery, no matter how clean or well-lit they are.

he is comfortable. he is awake. he knows what's happening. he's upset that he is back in the hospital, but he knows that he is safe. this does throw a bit of a monkey wrench into the works rehab-wise, but that will be taken care of.


Lutheran Lucciola said...

I'm so sorry....

thirdworstpoetinthegalaxy said...

Hey, so long as he's back in rehab soon he'll be all right — sounds like despite this setback (which I'm sorry to hear about), he's otherwise improving.

Frank Gillespie said...

Missus Fire and I will keep you and the family in our prayers. No need to approve the comment, I just wanted you to know we were thinking about ya.