Last night I had another customer come in to return some books. One of the books she returned was a book about the First Easter. It was published by Concordia Publishing House. She said she was returning it because, get this, she didn't "like the theology" behind it. I looked at her and said "huh?" She said "I like to think Jesus was sent to live. He wasn't sent to die." I was at work, so I felt that I was tied, but I wanted to tell her that if that had been the case there would be no Gospel message at all.
A few weeks ago I was watching the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and I heard this line: "You better take care of me, Lord. If you don't you'll have me on your hands." That struck me. Sometimes I wonder if I don't sound like that when I pray "give us this day our daily bread," does it come out more "you know, God... gimme gimme gimme..." That whole prayer gives me a tough time, sometimes. Jim's last post about "abba.... father" really got me thinking about the whole Lord's Prayer thing. I'm trying to work through it all, but its been a tough, tough thing. Its almost scary.
I'll have more to write about this I'm sure.
i'm sure you will, too... and i'm sure i wont mind ... i still have to read that freakin' book ...
COD is a great book. What about the Neon Bible? Is it any good?
wow, i don't know if i could've showed such restraint, loof. i woulda had to say something. like "don't you get it? he died so we can live!" it amazes me how we miss the point so many times because the truth is so simple, and somehow we need it to be complicated.
knock, knock
k - your words hit home Sunday driving home and I just felt God saying "make room for me" and I remembered your blog.
we like to use God as a ladder or a big wrench. get me to where i want to be or loosen up the problem that i'm stuck on.
we suck. but still he knocks.
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