How is it that the most hated country in the world is always the first one to run to everyone's aide? How is it that countries looking for a handout always seem to find our doorstep first? Why is it that as soon as America does step and give aide suddenly there is an alterior motive? I think its high time for some of the other nations of the world to step up and take some of the burden.
The US is in the unenviable position of being one of the few remaining superpowers. When we act, the world says, "who do the Americans think they are, meddling in everything and trying to police the earth?". And when we don't act, the world says, "where are the Americans? Have they no sense of civic responsibility to the rest of the world?" We can't win, so we have to do what's right regardless of what everyone else thinks.
I walked around for 2 days with that vomit taste in the back of my mouth because of the headlines asking "will american aid help to curb muslim hate?"
it hasn't yet. why should it this time? everyone sees the $ and says oh finally america helps the poor muslim nations. finally? as if the US hasn't been the primary and biggest donor of aid 4-ever... not counting of course those saudi arabi telethons for suicide bomber families... man can those guys raise some cash.
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